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4 Reasons America is Anti Prepping

June 23, 2024
4 Reasons America is Anti Prepping

Hi, it’s Alaska Granny! Have you ever been browsing the internet, only to stumble upon an unexpected topic that piques your interest? That happened to me today with an article on Reddit discussing why society seems anti-prepping. I was surprised, as I didn’t realize there was a significant opposition to prepping. I assumed some people didn’t see the necessity, but I didn’t think there was a societal stance against it. Let’s dive into the arguments presented. Why is Society So Anti-Prepping? 1. Lack of Historical Need The first argument suggests there's little precedent for needing to prep in the US since the Dust Bowl. Even then, proximity to agriculture and less reliance on technology mitigated the need. Some think preppers in the 1960s wasted their time because there haven’t been regional or national SHTF (Sh*t Hits The Fan) events. However, prepping isn’t only for massive disasters. Consider personal emergencies: job loss, health crises, or natural disasters like hur
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