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Beware of Spam, Misleading, and Scam Emails When Filing a Trademark Application

June 24, 2024
Beware of Spam, Misleading, and Scam Emails When Filing a Trademark Application

Hi, I’m Attorney Elizeth Pot Weinstein, and today we’re discussing spam, misleading, and scam emails you might receive after filing a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It’s crucial to be aware of these communications to protect yourself from falling victim to scams. Let's delve into the types of emails you might encounter and how to identify them. Types of Emails You Might Receive 1. Spam Emails These are typically not harmful but can be annoying. They often come from lawyers or companies offering their services to help with your trademark application. While these are usually just advertisements, it’s important to scrutinize the sender and content. 2. Misleading Communications Some emails might appear to be from legitimate organizations but are actually from third-party services. These emails might look official and even mimic the formatting of genuine USPTO communications but always check the sender’s email address. Offic
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