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Can ChatGPT or AI Create Legal Documents and Conduct Legal Research?

June 24, 2024
Can ChatGPT or AI Create Legal Documents and Conduct Legal Research?

Hi, I'm Elizabeth Pinstein, and today we're exploring whether you can use ChatGPT or other AI tools to create legal documents and conduct legal research. For those unfamiliar, ChatGPT is one of the AI tools available for generating text. Various AI versions exist, some designed for creating images like DALL-E, while others, like ChatGPT, are focused on text generation. People use these tools for writing blog posts, essays, and even business documents. But can AI handle legal tasks such as conducting research or drafting contracts? Understanding AI's Capabilities Firstly, there's a common misconception about AI. While many think of AI as "artificial intelligence" that operates like human intelligence, it's more about recognizing and generating patterns based on vast amounts of data. For instance, AI excels at identifying patterns in medical images, like detecting lung cancer in X-rays, often outperforming human experts. However, legal advice req
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