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Doritos Flamin' Hot Mystery Flavor Review: A Spicy Sweet Surprise

June 10, 2024
Doritos Flamin' Hot Mystery Flavor Review: A Spicy Sweet Surprise

Kevin and I recently tried the Doritos Flamin' Hot Mystery Flavor, which we found at Walmart for $3.98. Despite searching in Winchester and Lexington, Kentucky, we only discovered these chips while on vacation. Interestingly, it seemed like fate, as we snagged the very last bag on the shelf. These chips were somewhat hidden, not part of a special display, and placed among the regular Doritos. It felt like someone had second thoughts and left this bag behind for us to find. The 9 oz bag contains about nine servings, with each serving being 11 chips (28 grams) at 140 calories. These chips are produced in Plano, Texas. In our experience, mystery flavors often remain elusive, and this was no exception. Upon opening the bag, we noticed a unique smell—something sweet, almost like french toast or caramel corn. This unusual aroma made us curious but hesitant, given the bright red color indicating the intense heat to come. As we tasted the chips, a surprising sweetness hit first
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