review ice cream

Ferrero Rocher and Raffaello Triple Experience Ice Cream Bars

June 22, 2024
review ice cream
Ferrero Rocher and Raffaello Triple Experience Ice Cream Bars

Today, Kevin and I are trying Ferrero's new ice cream bars. These are new to us and may be to you as well. I have the Ferrero Rocher Triple Experience Caramel, while Kevin has the Raffaello Triple Experience Raspberry. Here are the key features of these delicious treats:

Ferrero Rocher Triple Experience Caramel

  • Price and Quantity: $9.59 for a three-pack.
  • Calories: Each bar contains 185 calories.
  • Ingredients:
    • Hazelnut Ice Cream: A rich and creamy base with a distinctive hazelnut flavor.
    • Caramel Sauce: Adds a sweet, buttery layer that enhances the overall taste.
    • Milk Chocolate Coating: Thick and indulgent, providing a satisfying crunch.
    • Hazelnut Pieces: Contribute a roasted, nutty flavor and texture.
  • Taste Experience:
    • The caramel adds a lot of flavor, making it distinct from other ice creams.
    • The hazelnut flavor is strong and almost roasted, blending well with the caramel.
    • The thick chocolate coating is rich and complements the hazelnut and caramel layers.

Raffaello Triple Experience Raspberry

  • Price and Quantity: $9.99 for a three-pack.
  • Calories: Each bar contains 169 calories.
  • Ingredients:
    • Coconut-Flavored Ice Cream: Creamy and fragrant with a strong coconut flavor.
    • Berry-Flavored Sauce: Provides a contrasting tangy sweetness.
    • Coconut Coating: Adds texture and enhances the coconut flavor.
    • Raspberry Sprinkles: Offer a subtle raspberry taste and a bit of texture.
  • Taste Experience:
    • The raspberry has a different texture compared to the caramel, resembling a frozen jam.
    • The coconut flavor is strong and sweet, with plenty of shredded coconut pieces.
    • The raspberry flavor is present but not as pronounced as expected, mostly coming from the sprinkles.

Overall Impressions

  • Ferrero Rocher Caramel: The combination of hazelnut, caramel, and chocolate provides a rich and satisfying treat. The flavors are well-balanced, making it a standout option for those who love hazelnut.
  • Raffaello Raspberry: While the coconut flavor is delightful and sweet, the raspberry could be more robust. It’s still an enjoyable ice cream, especially for coconut lovers, but the raspberry aspect falls a bit short.


Both ice cream bars are high-quality and offer unique flavor experiences. If you enjoy hazelnut and caramel, the Ferrero Rocher Triple Experience Caramel is a must-try. If you prefer coconut, the Raffaello Triple Experience Raspberry is a good choice, although you might find the raspberry flavor somewhat mild. Despite their high price, these ice creams are worth trying, especially if you find them on sale. Thank you for watching our review!

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