Fiber One100 calories Donuts: Chocolate and Strawberries and Cream Review

June 13, 2024
Fiber One100 calories Donuts: Chocolate and Strawberries and Cream Review

Today, Kevin and I are sampling Fiber One Donuts. We have the chocolate variety and the strawberries and cream variety. These donuts cost $2.98 per box, with each box containing four donuts. 

Packaging and Size

The packaging is easy to open, although mine ripped a bit. The donuts are tiny, almost bite-sized, with each donut being only 100 calories. They might not be the most satisfying 100-calorie snack, but they’re convenient. We found them on the bottom shelf at Walmart, making them easy to overlook.

Chocolate Fiber One Donut

The chocolate donuts have 3 grams of sugar and a texture similar to Entenmann's donuts. If you were blindfolded, you might not notice much difference between this and a regular Entenmann's donut. The chocolate coating has that familiar greasy feel but doesn't leave a sticky residue in your mouth. The sprinkles add a nice crunch, similar to little sugar crystals, enhancing the texture without adding flavor.

Strawberries and Cream Fiber One Donut

The strawberries and cream flavor has a strong, but not overpowering, strawberry taste with a creamy undertone. However, it leaves a slight aftertaste, which some might find off-putting. This flavor isn't as appealing to me as the chocolate. It has a sticky glaze that never quite firms up, making it less enjoyable to handle.

Overall Impression

While both flavors aim to replicate the taste and texture of a traditional donut, the small size and low-calorie count might not be as satisfying. If you’re looking for a 100-calorie snack, other options like 100-calorie cookie packs, Cheez-It packs, or mini Reese's cups might be more fulfilling. The chocolate Fiber One donuts taste more like traditional donuts compared to the strawberries and cream ones, but neither flavor left a lasting impression.

In conclusion, I wouldn’t buy these donuts again. They’re not bad, but there are more satisfying 100-calorie snacks available. Let us know if you plan to try them or if you prefer to skip them. Thanks for watching our review!

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