
Guide to Using Canned Corned Beef in Your Prepper Pantry

June 23, 2024
Guide to Using Canned Corned Beef in Your Prepper Pantry

Hi, it's Alaska Granny. As preppers, we prioritize maintaining a well-stocked pantry. One of the best items to stockpile is canned corned beef. What exactly is corned beef? It's brisket that has been cured with salt and spices, making it easy to incorporate into various recipes.

Tips for Using Canned Corned Beef

Slicing for Sandwiches: To use canned corned beef for sandwiches, refrigerate the can first. Chilling it makes the meat firmer and easier to slice. Once chilled, it can be sliced effortlessly for sandwiches.

Recipe Ideas:

  1. North Slope Spaghetti:

    • Ingredients: 1 can of corned beef, 1 jar of pasta sauce, 8 oz of pasta.
    • Directions: Heat the corned beef in the sauce, cook the pasta, and serve together for a North Slope Alaska-style dish.
  2. Corned Beef Vegetable Soup:

    • Use corned beef in vegetable soup, whether it's canned or homemade. Simply add the corned beef to enhance the flavor and protein content.
  3. Puerto Rican Corned Beef Stew:

    • Ingredients: 1 can of mixed vegetables, 2 tablespoons of sofrito, a few cloves of garlic, 8 oz of tomato sauce, 1 teaspoon of oregano, 1 bay leaf, and 1 can of corned beef.
    • Directions: Combine all ingredients and simmer until heated through for a delicious stew.
  4. Corned Beef Hash:

    • Ingredients: Corned beef, hominy, diced potatoes (fresh or canned).
    • Directions: Fry the mixture and optionally top with a fried egg for a hearty meal.
  5. Corned Beef Cabbage Rolls:

    • Directions: Slice the corned beef, parboil cabbage leaves, place corned beef on the cabbage, roll it up, and simmer in beef broth until warmed through.

Creating Shelf Meals

A practical way to organize your prepper pantry is by creating shelf meals. Assemble the ingredients for each meal and store them together. For example:

  • North Slope Spaghetti Shelf Meal:

    • Combine a can of corned beef, a jar of pasta sauce, and some pasta noodles. Store the pasta in a clean canning jar for airtight storage. Place everything in a Ziploc bag.
  • Corned Beef Soup Shelf Meal:

    • Combine a can of corned beef with a can of vegetable soup. Add a package of quick biscuit mix or extra pasta for a more substantial meal. Store everything in a Ziploc bag.
  • Puerto Rican Corned Beef Stew Shelf Meal:

    • Combine a can of corned beef, a can of mixed vegetables, a can of tomato sauce, and a small container of spices (oregano, bay leaf). Add a note to remind yourself to stir in 2 tablespoons of sofrito during preparation. For a more filling meal, include a can of hominy and serve over rice.

Sofrito: A Key Ingredient

Sofrito is a flavorful tomato cooking base made with green peppers, onions, cilantro, and garlic in olive oil. Store it in the refrigerator and use it in small quantities to enhance your dishes. You can find sofrito in small boxes at stores like Dollar Tree.

Final Tips

If you're new to canned corned beef, buy one can to try it out first. If you enjoy it, you can stock up more confidently. Always store foods that you and your family will actually eat to ensure your prepper pantry is both useful and enjoyable.

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