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Meals In A Jar Italian Barley Soup Mix

June 23, 2024
review food
Meals In A Jar Italian Barley Soup Mix

Hi, it's Alaska Granny! If you've been to the grocery store lately, you might be shocked by the prices. Sometimes, even when the shelves are well-stocked, affording food can be a challenge. One cost-effective option for long-term food storage is barley. But what is barley? It's a cereal grain that comes from grass, and when stored properly, its shelf life can extend up to 30 years. Whole grain barley doesn't last as long as pearled barley due to its higher moisture content. For the longest storage life, opt for pearled barley. Here's a recipe for an Italian Barley Soup Mix that you can prepare and store in a jar, ready to use whenever you need a quick meal. Just add water and a can of tomatoes, and your Italian Barley Soup is ready to go. Italian Barley Soup Mix Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup of barley 1 tablespoon of dry chopped onion 1 tablespoon of minced garlic 2 tablespoons of basil 1 tablespoon of oregano 1 tablespoon of parsley 1 serving of vegetable b
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