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My Cookie Dealer Protein Cookies - Flavors, Texture, and Heating Tips

June 15, 2024
review cookies
My Cookie Dealer Protein Cookies - Flavors, Texture, and Heating Tips

Today, Kevin and I are delving into a comprehensive review of My Cookie Dealer's protein-packed offerings available at the Vitamin Shop. These cookies are designed to satisfy cravings while delivering a substantial protein boost, making them an appealing option for fitness enthusiasts and those on-the-go. Product Range and Nutritional Benefits My Cookie Dealer offers a variety of flavors, including Chocolate Chip, Milk and Cookies, Double Chocolate, and Strawberry Toaster Pastry, each containing 18-21 grams of protein per serving. This high protein content makes them ideal for supplementing daily protein intake, especially for individuals engaged in rigorous physical activities or following a high-protein diet. Texture and Taste Experience Upon opening, we noticed that the cookies had a dry texture, akin to certain protein-enriched products. While some may find this texture slightly gritty, it didn't detract significantly from the overall flavor experience. The Choc
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