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Office GMT vs. True GMT Watches: A Detailed Guide by Long Island Watch

June 10, 2024
Office GMT vs. True GMT Watches: A Detailed Guide by Long Island Watch

Hello, this is Mark from Long Island Watch. It's time for another Watch and Learn. It's been a while, and I apologize for the delay. We've covered a lot of ground with over 80 episodes, but today we're revisiting a topic from an earlier episode: GMT watches. This is inspired by the new Seiko GMT models, the SSK1, SSK3, and SSK5. Understanding GMT Watches: Office vs. True GMT GMT watches generally fall into two categories: Office GMTs and True (or Traveler's) GMTs. Let's dive into each type, their functions, and differences. Office GMTs The term "Office GMT" often refers to GMT watches like the Seiko GMT. These are designed for those who need to track a second time zone but don't frequently travel. The GMT hand is synchronized with the main hour hand, moving together as you adjust the time. This design is simpler and typically less expensive. Example: - Set your local time to 9:00 AM. - Set the GMT hand to track a friend’s time zone at 1
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