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Spicy Chocolate Bar Review: Exploring Aster Chocolate's Fiery Creations from World Market

June 21, 2024
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Spicy Chocolate Bar Review: Exploring Aster Chocolate's Fiery Creations from World Market

Today, Kevin and I are diving into a spicy chocolate adventure with a trio of unique candy bars made by Aster Chocolate exclusively for World Market. Aster Chocolate is known for its diverse range of chocolate bars, but this is our first encounter with such intensely flavored ones. We picked up three varieties, all made with dark chocolate and featuring escalating levels of heat: Hot Hatch Chili, Blazing Habanero, and Atomic Ghost Chili. Each bar was priced at $3.99 at World Market.

Hot Hatch Chili

The Hot Hatch Chili bar is our first taste. The packaging features a heat index, ranging from Hot to Atomic, with no mild or medium options. Aster Chocolate has outdone themselves by incorporating red hatch chili powder, smoked hot paprika, and sea salt into this bar.

Tasting Notes:

  • Initial Impressions: The bar has a typical dark chocolate aroma with a subtle hint of chili.
  • Flavor: The dark chocolate is complemented by a smoky flavor, courtesy of the smoked paprika. There’s a slight tingle on the back of the tongue, but it's very mild. The touch of salt enhances the overall taste, making it a pleasant, though mildly spicy, experience.

Blazing Habanero

Next up is the Blazing Habanero bar, which sits in the middle of the heat index. This bar includes dark chocolate, freeze-dried lime powder, habanero powder, and lemon flavor.

Tasting Notes:

  • Initial Impressions: The bar emits a distinct lime aroma.
  • Flavor: The lime flavor is prominent and lingers throughout the tasting experience. There’s a noticeable heat that hits the back of the throat, but it’s manageable. The combination of dark chocolate with lime and habanero creates a unique flavor profile, making it spicier than the Hot Hatch Chili bar, but still enjoyable.

Atomic Ghost Chili

Finally, we brave the Atomic Ghost Chili bar, the hottest of the trio. This bar is made with dark chocolate and ghost chili powder.

Tasting Notes:

  • Initial Impressions: The bar looks like typical dark chocolate but with an intimidating reputation.
  • Flavor: The heat is immediate and intense. It's an overwhelming experience, much like eating fiery hot wings. The ghost chili packs a punch that hits hard and fast, causing a fiery sensation that can be quite painful. It’s not for the faint of heart and should be approached with caution.


  • Hot Hatch Chili: Mildly spicy with a delightful smoky flavor, ideal for those who enjoy a hint of heat.
  • Blazing Habanero: A step up in spiciness with a refreshing lime twist, suitable for those who like a bit more kick.
  • Atomic Ghost Chili: Extremely hot and only for the bravest spice enthusiasts.

These bars offer a fun and memorable tasting experience, but the Atomic Ghost Chili bar is a true challenge. If you enjoy spicy foods, these bars are worth trying. Just be prepared for the heat, especially with the Atomic Ghost Chili!

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