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Van Leeuwen Ice Cream: Dulce De Leche Brownie, Peanut Butter Brownie Honeycomb, Coffee Affogato

June 13, 2024
Van Leeuwen Ice Cream: Dulce De Leche Brownie, Peanut Butter Brownie Honeycomb, Coffee Affogato

Today, Kevin and I are sampling three Van Leeuwen ice creams: Coffee Affogato, Peanut Butter Brownie Honeycomb, and Dulce de Leche Brownie. Each pint costs $7.99 at Whole Foods, and you might find some flavors at Walmart, often at a lower price. Coffee Affogato This flavor combines coffee and sweet cream in a 14 oz container, providing 2.5 servings at 260 calories per 2/3 cup, or 690 calories for the entire container. Affogato is traditionally an Italian dessert, combining vanilla gelato with a shot of hot espresso. The ice cream is creamy, with the coffee portion having a robust flavor that is balanced nicely when eaten with the sweet cream. The combination results in a smooth, sweet coffee taste reminiscent of coffee with creamer. If you enjoy a strong coffee flavor, this is a delightful choice. Dulce de Leche Brownie This sweet cream ice cream features swirls of dulce de leche and gooey brownies. Each 14 oz container has 250 calories per 2/3 cup or 650 calories for the w
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