Van Leeuwen Swirls Ice Cream Bars: London Fog, Coffee & Cream and Blue Jasmine Tea Review

June 12, 2024
Van Leeuwen Swirls Ice Cream Bars: London Fog, Coffee & Cream and Blue Jasmine Tea Review

Today, Kevin and I are trying Vanan Swirls, a range of French ice cream bars. We picked up three flavors: Blue Jasmine Tea, London Fog, and Coffee and Cream. These bars were quite pricey at $7.99 per box for four bars, translating to $2 per bar at Whole Foods. This price point adds a premium feel, though we haven’t seen them sold elsewhere.

Blue Jasmine Tea Ice Cream Bar

The Blue Jasmine Tea bar is described as a blend of sweet cream ice cream and blue jasmine tea. Each bar contains 140 calories and includes ingredients like cream, milk, cane sugar, egg yolk, jasmine tea leaves, and spirulina extract for color.

- Appearance: The bar has a lovely, visually appealing color.
- Flavor: The taste is very subtle and lightly sweet, with a faint tea-like flavor. However, the overall flavor profile is disappointingly bland.
- Texture: The texture is creamy, which is a redeeming feature.
- Verdict: Despite its appealing look, the flavor is not strong enough to justify the $8 price. It lacks the richness expected from premium ice cream.

London Fog Ice Cream Bar

Next, we tried the London Fog flavor, which combines Earl Grey tea swirls with sweet cream. This bar also has 140 calories.

- Flavor: This bar has a more pronounced flavor compared to the Blue Jasmine Tea. The Earl Grey tea imparts a distinct lemony taste.
- Verdict: While it is better than the first flavor, the lemon tea taste might not appeal to everyone. It is a more flavorful option but still falls short of being worth the high price tag.

Coffee and Cream Ice Cream Bar

Finally, we tasted the Coffee and Cream bar, made with cold brew and sweet cream ice cream, and containing 130 calories.

- Flavor: This bar has a strong, bitter coffee flavor, reminiscent of stale coffee left in a pot for too long. There is no added sweetness to balance the bitterness.
- Verdict: Fans of strong, bitter coffee might appreciate this bar, but for us, it was too harsh and not enjoyable. Again, the high price is not justified by the quality.

Overall Impression

The Vanan Swirls ice cream bars are visually appealing but fail to deliver on flavor, especially given their high cost. At $8 per box, we expected a more satisfying taste experience. While the texture of the bars is creamy and pleasant, the flavors range from bland to overly bitter. We wouldn't purchase these again and suggest looking for better value alternatives. 

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