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Van Leeuwen Vanilla Bean French Ice Cream and Vegan Oat Vanilla Bean Frozen Dessert

June 13, 2024
Van Leeuwen Vanilla Bean French Ice Cream and Vegan Oat Vanilla Bean Frozen Dessert

Today, Kevin and I will be comparing two different Van Leeuwen ice cream products: the Vanilla Bean French Ice Cream and the Vegan Oat Vanilla Bean Frozen Dessert. While they may seem similar, their ingredients and taste profiles differ significantly. This review will highlight these differences to help you decide which one to try. Vanilla Bean French Ice Cream The Vanilla Bean French Ice Cream is a classic dairy-based dessert. This product is priced at $6.79 for a 14-ounce container, which is slightly less than a pint. The main ingredients include cold-ground whole vanilla beans, which give it an authentic vanilla flavor.  A serving size is 2/3 cup (108g), containing 270 calories. The entire 14-ounce container totals 710 calories. One of the noticeable features of this ice cream is the visible vanilla beans, enhancing its appearance and flavor. Vegan Oat Vanilla Bean Frozen Dessert On the other hand, the Vegan Oat Vanilla Bean Frozen Dessert caters to those avoiding dairy.
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