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Do Solar Panels and Battery Storage Save You Money?

July 04, 2024
Do Solar Panels and Battery Storage Save You Money?

Yes, they do. Let's dive into the details and see how. I had my solar panels installed in December 2021, followed by a battery installation in June 2022. Initially, let's focus on the impact of the solar panels alone. My household has a high electricity usage due to working from home and running multiple devices around the clock. Additionally, we own an electric car, resulting in an annual electricity demand of about 10,000 kWh. I am on the Octopus Go tariff, designed for electric car owners, offering significantly reduced rates during off-peak hours (12:30 AM to 4:30 AM). Shifting energy usage to these off-peak hours for activities like running the dishwasher, washing machine, and electric water heater can substantially lower your bills. With solar panels, any excess electricity generated during the day further reduces the amount you draw from the grid, resulting in even lower bills. Electricity Usage Breakdown: Before installing solar panels, my entire electricity
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