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FDA Recalls: What You Need to Know About Eye Drops in 2024

July 08, 2024
FDA Recalls: What You Need to Know About Eye Drops in 2024

The FDA and manufacturers often recall products as part of quality control. This year, there has been a significant increase in recalls, particularly in ophthalmology. Several factors contribute to this, including increased FDA inspections post-pandemic. The manufacturing of eye drops is under scrutiny because these products must be both sterile and stable. Maintaining clean manufacturing facilities and ensuring the sterility of eye drop bottles are crucial. Key Points About Eye Drop Recalls 1. Types of Eye Drops Recalled No Prescription Eye Drops Recalled : Patients can continue using their prescribed eye drops with confidence. These prescription eye drops have not been affected by the recent recalls, ensuring their continued safety and efficacy when filled by a pharmacy as per your eye care specialist's instructions. Over-the-Counter Eye Drops : The recalls have exclusively involved non-prescription eye drops. These are typically the types you purchase at pharmacies,
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