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Inside the World of Walmart: An Insider’s Perspective

July 11, 2024
Inside the World of Walmart: An Insider’s Perspective

Hello, Camelot331 here. Today, we’re shifting gears to discuss Walmart. As a district manager for a company that serves as a third-party vendor to Walmart, I’ve been in hundreds of Walmart stores across the Southeast. What I’ve seen is astonishing. Until you’re deep in the fray, you don’t truly grasp the chaos and mismanagement rampant in these stores. Management Issues The management at Walmart, from assistant managers and up, is shockingly ineffective. Most assistant managers are long-time employees, many over 70 years old, who have been with the company for decades. Their exhaustion and disinterest are palpable, often manifesting in hostile interactions with both employees and vendors. For instance, I once approached a store manager to discuss an issue, only to be met with outright hostility. This kind of behavior is not isolated but rather a systemic issue within Walmart’s management structure. Employee Treatment Walmart’s treatment of its associates is equally troublin...
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