The Journey from a Fake Rolex to Success in Real Estate

May 29, 2024
The Journey from a Fake Rolex to Success in Real Estate

My first Rolex cost me just $20, and it was a fake. Today, I'm wearing a genuine rose gold Daytona Rolex that set me back over $30,000. I bought it on a whim at an airport, a far cry from my cautious past where spending money was terrifying. Growing up with financial struggles, the idea of spending that much was daunting.

The Symbolism of a Rolex

In my early days in New York City, I believed a Rolex signified success. I thought wearing one would give me the confidence to succeed. My fake Rolex, despite its low quality, helped me project an image of success. It was a psychological boost during a challenging time in my life, helping me feel capable and motivated.

Building Confidence Through Appearances

When I first arrived in New York, I had no experience, no car, and no decent clothes. The fake Rolex was a tool to bridge the gap between where I was and where I wanted to be. It made me feel more confident and helped me to appear successful, which in turn fueled my drive to actually become successful.

The Shift in Perception

Over time, my perception of success has evolved. In 2008, material possessions were a primary indicator of success. Today, factors like follower count and personal achievements have become more significant. I no longer wear my expensive Rolex daily, as my values and the world's have shifted.

Networking Through Common Interests

Finding a common interest group was crucial for building my real estate career. I joined multiple gyms around New York City, meeting potential clients in places like the Equinox in SoHo and gyms on the Upper West Side. This strategy allowed me to network and create friendships that eventually led to business opportunities.

Projecting Success

Projecting an image of success is vital. Whether it’s through a fake Rolex or taking over a prestigious office space, creating a perception of success can drive actual success. In 2020, when starting our company, we chose to lease the Tommy Hilfiger headquarters in SoHo. This bold move projected confidence and ambition, setting the stage for our future growth.

Surround Yourself with Success

Success breeds success. Surround yourself with positive influences and like-minded individuals who elevate you. Whether it's through professional networks or personal interests, the people around you can significantly impact your journey.


My journey from a fake Rolex to a real one reflects the importance of confidence and the power of projecting success. Embrace opportunities to elevate your image, build meaningful connections, and always strive for growth. Success is not just about where you are now, but where you are going.

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