Country Time Brand Review: Pink Lemonade and Lemonade Cotton Candy & Filled Ropes

June 10, 2024
Country Time Brand Review: Pink Lemonade and Lemonade Cotton Candy & Filled Ropes

Today, Kevin and I are excited to review some Country Time brand products. We have Pink Lemonade and Lemonade Cotton Candy, along with Filled Ropes. We purchased these items from Cracker Barrel, where the Filled Ropes were $3.49 and the Cotton Candy was $2.99.

About Country Time

For those unfamiliar, Country Time is a well-known brand famous for its lemonade drinks. It's interesting to see this brand branching out into candies.

Cotton Candy Review

The cotton candy comes in two flavors: pink lemonade and lemonade (yellow). Each bag contains 1 ounce (28 grams) and has 110 calories per serving, with three servings per bag. This totals 340 calories for the entire bag, which isn’t too bad calorie-wise.

Tasting Notes

- Pink Lemonade Cotton Candy: The pink flavor was not terrible. It had a very light lemony flavor, which was quite mild and not overly sweet.
- Lemonade (Yellow) Cotton Candy: This flavor was very disappointing. It had a strong, unpleasant aftertaste that resembled a cleaning product. It’s not something we would recommend.

In summary, while kids might not mind the pink cotton candy, the yellow one is best avoided.

Filled Ropes Review

Next, we tried the Filled Ropes. The package contains two and a half servings, with three pieces (32 grams) per serving, totaling 330 calories for the entire package. These are chewy on the outside and soft on the inside, offering a sour and sweet lemonade flavor.

Tasting Notes

- Initially, the sour powder on the outside was overwhelming, but once you get past that, the ropes have a pleasant lemon flavor that is both sweet and tangy. They reminded us of the Trolley brand candies, known for their lemon flavors.

Overall, we enjoyed the Filled Ropes much more than the cotton candy. Despite the higher price at Cracker Barrel, these are worth trying if you can find them elsewhere for less.


To summarize:

- Cotton Candy: Skip it, especially the yellow flavor. It’s not worth the price or the taste.
- Filled Ropes: These are a good choice if you enjoy lemon-flavored candies, despite being a bit pricey.

If you have seen these products at other stores for a better price, please share the locations in the comments. This can help others find these items more affordably. 

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