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Mochi Waffle Bites: Original, Blueberry, and Cinnamon Flavors Review

June 27, 2024
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Mochi Waffle Bites: Original, Blueberry, and Cinnamon Flavors Review

Today, Kevin and I are diving into Mochi Waffle Bites, bite-sized and ready-to-eat sweet treats. We have three flavors to test: Original, Blueberry, and Cinnamon. Notably, the Cinnamon flavor is exclusive to Meijer, where we found them for $5.89 per box.

These Mochi Waffle Bites are designed for convenience. You can grab and go by simply removing them from the freezer, thawing, and enjoying. Alternatively, you can heat them in the microwave for 5 to 10 seconds by tearing the pouch to vent and laying it flat. We opted to heat each one for 8 seconds individually.

First Impressions

Original Flavor: The Original Mochi Waffle Bites come in clear pouches, showing off their classic look. Each box contains approximately five pouches, with five pieces per pouch, totaling 140 calories. The texture is different from typical waffles, offering a dense, chewy bite thanks to the sweet rice Mochi dough. We noticed a hint of maple flavor, likely from the maple chips embedded in the waffles.

Blueberry Flavor: The Blueberry Mochi Waffle Bites are visibly different with a slight color tinge. Each piece is 130 calories. The blueberry flavor is sweet and prominent, enhancing the overall taste experience. However, the texture is still dense and somewhat gritty, which may not appeal to everyone. Despite this, the blueberry flavor remains enjoyable and sweet.

Cinnamon Flavor: Cinnamon Mochi Waffle Bites are darker and have visible cinnamon bits. Each piece also clocks in at 130 calories. While they are sweet, we wished they were sweeter, akin to a churro or cinnamon sugar treat. The cinnamon flavor is more like cinnamon powder, lacking the sugary offset that could enhance it. These were our least favorite due to their less pronounced sweetness.

Final Thoughts

Among the three, the Blueberry flavor stands out as the one I would consider buying again, despite the gritty texture. Kevin, however, prefers the Original flavor for its maple notes. The Cinnamon, although not bad, didn’t meet our sweetness expectations and thus ranks lowest.

At $5.89 per box, these Mochi Waffle Bites are a convenient snack that could quickly disappear, especially since they’re easy to eat on the go. Heating them slightly improves the experience, but they can also be enjoyed at room temperature or thawed from the fridge overnight.

Overall, if you’re curious about these gluten-free, GMO-free snacks, give them a try. Personal preference will play a big role in whether you enjoy the unique texture and flavors.

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