Sanders Brand Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels: A Comparative Taste Test

June 10, 2024
Sanders Brand Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels: A Comparative Taste Test

Today, Kevin and I are tasting Sanders brand dark chocolate sea salt caramels. We have two variations: mine is sugar-free, and Kevin’s is dairy-free. These candies are quite expensive at $6.99 per 5.5 oz (156g) bag, which we purchased at Meijer.

Sugar-Free Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels

The sugar-free version contains eight pieces per bag, translating to about 90 calories per two-piece serving (28g). These caramels boast 70% cacao, are small-batch, kettle-cooked, and free of artificial colors and flavors. Despite Sanders’ long history (125 years) and reputation, I found this product disappointing.

The caramels were extremely salty and bitter. The coarse, chunky salt overwhelmed the flavor, making it hard to enjoy the chocolate. While the caramel was impressively soft and easy to chew, the bitterness of the dark chocolate was too overpowering. If you prefer very bitter dark chocolate, you might enjoy these, but for us, they missed the mark entirely.

Dairy-Free Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels

The dairy-free version, made with coconut cream, has 12 pieces per bag. Each two-piece serving (40g) contains 190 calories. This version is higher in fat and calories but offers a slightly better taste experience.

The dairy-free caramels were less bitter and had a more balanced sweetness. The texture was closer to what you’d expect from a caramel, but there was a noticeable coconut flavor and a hint of molasses. While not perfect, these were more palatable than the sugar-free version. However, the strong coconut taste might not appeal to everyone, especially if you’re not a fan of coconut.

Nutritional Comparison

- Sugar-Free: 90 calories per two pieces (28g), 1g sugar, 320mg sodium, 1g protein.
- Dairy-Free: 190 calories per two pieces (40g), higher fat content, and a noticeable coconut flavor.


While the dairy-free option was somewhat enjoyable, neither product is something we would purchase again. The sugar-free caramels were overly bitter and salty, while the dairy-free ones, although better, still had a strong coconut flavor that might not be universally appealing.

If you have dietary restrictions and have tried these products or have other recommendations, please share your thoughts in the comments. Your feedback could help others with similar dietary needs find better alternatives.

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