Trader Joe's Cinnamon Twist Danish and Lemon Flower Cookies

June 12, 2024
Trader Joe's Cinnamon Twist Danish and Lemon Flower Cookies
Today, Kevin and I are reviewing two items from Trader Joe's: the Cinnamon Twist Danish and the Lemon Flavored Cookies.

Cinnamon Twist Danish

The Cinnamon Twist Danish is described as a Danish pastry with a cinnamon and custard-style filling, weighing 1 lb 5.16 oz (600 g). Priced at $8.99, this Danish can be eaten straight out of the package or heated. The box suggests heating at 375°F for 3 to 5 minutes.

Unheated Taste Test

We first tried the Danish at room temperature. It has a layered texture, reminiscent of a cinnamon roll. The cinnamon flavor is strong, and the pastry is dense and chewy. Overall, it tastes very similar to a typical cinnamon roll, though the pastry is a bit denser.

Heated Taste Test

Heating the Danish added a slight crispiness to the outer shell. However, the flavor seemed less sweet, and the cinnamon wasn’t as pronounced. The texture became softer and less chewy, losing some of its substance. We preferred the room temperature version for its stronger flavor and firmer texture.

Lemon Flavored Cookies

Next, we tried the Lemon Flavored Cookies, described as sweet shortbread cookies with a lemon jam center. Each cookie is 140 calories, and there are 18 servings per box. These cookies have a soft texture and a lemon flavor that is both sweet and slightly tart, reminiscent of lemon curd. The sugar crystals on top add a pleasant crunch.

Overall Impressions

We both preferred the Lemon Flavored Cookies over the Cinnamon Twist Danish. The cookies are perfect for parties, offering a delightful lemon flavor in a soft, easy-to-eat format. The Danish, while good, doesn’t offer anything unique compared to more affordable options like Pillsbury cinnamon rolls, which also come with icing.


If you’re a fan of lemon-flavored treats, the Lemon Flavored Cookies from Trader Joe’s are a great choice. For the Cinnamon Twist Danish, we recommend enjoying it at room temperature for the best flavor and texture.

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